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ISONEM BE 99is a single-component, water-based, acrylic emulsion, solvent-free polymer with 300% elasticity forming a seamless layer.


  • Suitable for all exterior surfaces,

    - Mineral plaster, mixed plaster etc. on old coatings,

    - Exterior surfaces, wood, and similar surfaces etc.

    - In buildings covered with thermal insulation systems, - For painting concrete or prefabricated structures,

    - For painting exposed concrete or prefabricated structures,


    Apply one of the following recommended primers and respect the drying time.

    - UNIVERSAL PRIMER: 1 coat diluted 1/7 with water, on concrete, other materials. Drying 4 hours

    - ANTI RUST PRIMER on metal support. Drying 5h


    Mix ISONEM BE 99 homogeneously before using it. Apply ISONEM BE 99 in two perpendicular layers, with an interval of at least 4 hours.


    Clean all tools and application equipment with clean water immediately after use.

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