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ISONEM BDis a product that is impregnated on the support and in the joints to
ensure a perfect seal without forming a film, without changing the appearance of the
treated support, nor shine.


  • All absorbent surfaces such as: plaster, concrete, bricks. Do not apply on non-absorbent surfaces such as: marble, granite, ceramic, glass, metal, plastic and vertical absorbent surfaces.


    Repair and clean application surfaces. Let dry well.


    Shake ISONEM BD well before use. Pour the product into a plastic bucket and apply it to the surface with a brush. Warning: ISONEM BD leaves stains on glazed surfaces such as ceramics, marble when it dries, because it is not absorbed; It is therefore not recommended on these surfaces and above all must be applied with care on the joints. Leave to dry for 1 hour. Then wipe off unabsorbed product residue with a damp cloth. Warning: Avoid the use of detergents. Apply the second coat no more than 1 hour after the first, "wet on wet", repeating the same processes.


    Clean all tools and application equipment with clean water immediately after use.

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